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Technology For Life



Technology exists for every stage of life. Young people practically live on their smart phones. Every event is cataloged, communicated, or filmed as an integral aspect of the event. It's unthinkable to attend a concert or party without the ever-present smart phone ready to share the event in real time.

At mid-life, people add smart technology to their home as a convenient way to access temperature controls, lights, motorized shades, music, and TV. Door stations replace doorbells for safer, more convenient interactions with visitors and the ability to see who is at the door even when you're not home.

Older people tend to be the last to embrace new technology, but the life safety and convenience aspects are making inroads for this group too. Ease of use and thorough training is of paramount importance. Lighted pathways, all-off lighting scenes, motorized shade control, and smart door locks all enhance the quality of life for seniors. 

The job of a systems integrator is to understand the needs of all occupants of a home and apply their expertise to provide the best technology choices while keeping it as simple as possible. Too much technology can be a frustrating experience. Done right, technology can be a fundamental benefit for the whole family.

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